Click on the links below to find out what Cottonwood can do for you.
NEPA Compliance
Biological Services
Stormwater Management
Environmental Sampling / Monitoring
Water Quality Monitoring
Spill Response & Reporting
Soil Gas Surveys
Oil & Gas Permitting / Compliance
Orphan Wells
Environmental Site Assessments
Trail Design & Construction
Wellbore Integrity Investigations
Clean Water Act Permitting & Compliance
Reclamation / Revegetation
Air Quality Compliance
SARA Title III Reporting
Geographic Information Systems
Data Analysis & Database Management

NEPA Compliance
Cottonwood provides sound environmental analysis and our experienced team of NEPA experts can help walk you though the NEPA process. Cottonwood can help you identify the proper NEPA approach and walk you through all the steps up until project completion and (if applicable) long-term monitoring. Cottonwood specializes in NEPA compliance for the oil and gas, construction, and transportation industries.
Determination of NEPA Approach
Biological / Environmental Surveys
​Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys
Identification and Drafting of Alternatives
Endangered Species Act Compliance
Migratory Bird Treaty Act Compliance
Consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service

Biological Services
Cottonwood's experienced biologists are skilled in wildlife and vegetation identification, surveys, and monitoring. Our knowledgeable experts are familiar with habitat requirements of sensitive and protected species and can guide you through their associated state and federal regulations. Cottonwood can help you develop project-specific mitigation and monitoring plans that balance conservation with industry and development.
Wildlife & Vegetation Surveys
Long-term Monitoring
Mitigation & Monitoring Plans
Habitat Identification

Stormwater Management
Cottonwood has a keen understanding of relevant federal, state, and local regulations and can help you obtain necessary permits and comply with a variety of rules and regulations, including the Clean Water Act. Cottonwood can conduct the necessary inspections to ensure that you remain in compliance. Cottonwood specializes in stormwater management for the oil and gas, construction, commercial, transportation, and mining industries.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Permits
Stormwater Management Plans

Environmental Sampling / Monitoring
Cottonwood provides soil, air, water, gas, and weather sampling services and utilizes best industry practices to ensure only high quality samples are collected. Cottonwood can help you develop and implement appropriate monitoring programs to observe and interpret changes in your samples over time. Cottonwood specializes in environmental sampling for the oil and gas, mining, transportation, real estate, and construction industries.
Soil / Sediment Sampling
Groundwater, Surfacewater, and Produced Water Sampling
Domestic Water Well Sampling
Installation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells
Gas Composition Sampling

Water Quality Monitoring
Cottonwood has collected hundreds of groundwater and surface water samples since its inception in 2014. Cottonwood uses best industry practices for sample collection and our experienced team can help clients and landowners understand their water quality. Cottonwood specializes in water quality compliance for the oil and gas industry and will track your monitoring schedule to keep you in compliance.
Groundwater Sampling / Monitoring
Surface water Sampling / Monitoring
Natural Spring Sampling / Monitoring
Long-term Monitoring
COGCC Rule Compliance

Spill Response & Reporting
Cottonwood quickly responds to spills in order to assess potential impacts and report within the required regulatory time frame. Our high-quality soil and water sampling techniques ensure representative samples are collected using best industry practices. Cottonwood specializes in spill response and reporting services for oil and gas fluid-related spills.
Same or Next-Day Spill Response
Reporting within Required Time Frame
Assessment of Impacts
Soil, Water, and Vegetation Monitoring
Long-term Monitoring and Reporting

Soil Gas Surveys
Cottonwood's experienced team can conduct soil gas surveys to help you locate fugitive methane emissions and quantify the lost resource. Cottonwood implements soil gas surveys in a systematic manner in order to identify an map the extent of seepage from the source. Cottonwood can install soil vapor monitoring tubes for long-term emissions monitoring.
COGCC Rule 608a Compliance
Soil Gas Surveys Around Well Sites
Soil Gas Surveys Along Pipeline Corridors
Plugged & Abandoned Well Surveys

Oil & Gas Permitting / Compliance
Cottonwood offers a variety of other oil and gas related consulting services. We pride ourselves on being both environmental and industry professionals, and our familiarity and experience in the oil and gas industry makes us an excellent choice for your consulting needs. Cottonwood can help you in nearly every aspect oil and gas related regulatory compliance, from the permitting process though plugging and abandoning locations.
APD Permitting
Compliance with Various Conditions of Approval
Indian Energy Development Consulting
Orphan Wells
Cottonwood provides a wide variety of cost-effective services to address America’s orphan well problem. With over 30+ years of combined orphan well experience, Cottonwood offers a turn-key approach to identifying, evaluating, decommissioning, plugging, and reclaiming orphan wells.
Orphan Well Inventories
Pressure Monitoring
Bradenhead Testing and Monitoring
Environmental Sampling
Leak Detection
Permitting and Reporting

Environmental Site Assessments
Cottonwood's experienced ESA team can help you perform the due diligence needed when purchasing a property. Cottonwood coordinates with Users, Property Managers, and applicable third parties to quickly and thoroughly inventory site histories and produce Phase I ESAs. If concerns are identified, Cottonwood uses best industry practices to collect, analyze, and interpret samples and produce thorough and accurate Phase II ESAs.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Site Inspections/ Inventories
Interviews/ Questionnaires
Environmental Site History

Trail Design & Construction
Cottonwood offers a range of trail-related service. With over 15 years of experience in natural surface trail design and construction, Cottonwood is committed to providing clients with professional trail design and quality, sustainable construction. Cottonwood's trail design and construction services include:​
Multi-Use Trails
Purpose Built Trails
Bridges & Boardwalks
ADA Compliant Trails

Wellbore Integrity Investigations
Cottonwood's expert staff can conduct wellbore integrity investigations to keep you in compliance and help you understand zonal isolation and the potential for fluid migration between hydrocarbon bearing zones and fresh water aquifers. Cottonwood has a keen understanding of local, state, and federal regulations related to the oil and gas industry and can keep you on a monitoring schedule so you are always in compliance.
Monitoring of Casing Pressures
Bradenhead, Production, & Intermediate Casings
Gas Sampling
Composition & Isotopic Analysis

Clean Water Act (CWA) Permitting & Compliance
Cottonwood’s staff has experience in providing permitting and compliance services related to the Clean Water Act (CWA). Cottonwood works directly with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and Tribal Authorities to keep you in compliance.
CWA Section 404 Permitting
CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
Wetland Delineations

Reclamation / Revegetation
Cottonwood can help you develop, implement, and monitor reclamation and revegetation projects. Whether you're trying to reestablish vegetation along a pipeline corridor or transplant willows to mitigate wetland impacts, Cottonwood can help you every step of the way. Cottonwood's experienced team of biologists are familiar with native plant species and their habitat requirements and will monitor and report your reclamation progress.
Develop Mitigation & Monitoring Plans
Selecting Reclamation Species
Seeding / Transplanting

Air Quality Compliance
Cottonwood uses its experience in the oil and gas industry to navigate the complex regulatory environment of air quality compliance and provide an accurate approach to compliance planning, long-term monitoring, and reporting for its clients. Having reviewed site inspections for a local regulator, Cottonwood’s experienced personnel are able to identify permit requirements commonly overlooked. Cottonwood’s air quality compliance services include:
Applicability Evaluation
Major and Minor Source Permitting
Emissions Inventories

SARA Title III Reporting
Cottonwood can help you you get and stay in compliance with the Superfund Amendments and Authorization Act. Cottonwood's experienced team can help you inventory hazardous chemicals and walk you though the reporting process with Colorado Environmental Online Services. Cottonwood communicates directly with your Local Emergency Planning Committee to ensure your Tier 2 reports are submitted to all proper organizations.
Hazardous Chemical Inventories
Title III Compliance

Geographic Information Systems
Cottonwood provides a variety of GIS mapping services, including onsite investigations, geospatial analysis, and map production. Cottonwood performs onsite mapping investigations using a Trimble Geo XH® with sub-meter accuracy, and Cottonwood's talented GIS Analysts produce useful, easy-to-read, and aesthetically pleasing maps. Cottonwood can help you with anything from basic mapping to advanced geospatial statistics.
Location & Extent Mapping
Proximity Analysis

Data Analysis & Database Management
Cottonwood provides data science services that can help you optimize information storage and analysis. Cottonwood can track regulatory testing schedules to keep you in compliance, store analytical results, and produce project-specific datasets. Cottonwood's experienced personnel can also help you analyze and interpret your data so you can make confident management decisions.
Compliance Schedule Tracking
Database Management
Dataset Production