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NEPA Compliance


Cottonwood provides sound environmental analysis for the National Environmental Policy Act. Our experienced team of NEPA experts can help you identify the proper NEPA approach, conduct a thorough biological investigation of your project site, analyze impacts to resources, conduct any required biological surveys, produce defensible documents, and walk you through all the steps up until project completion and (if applicable) long-term monitoring. Cottonwood is on a first name basis with many of the federal NEPA coordinators in the Four Corners area and coordinates directly with federal agencies to keep your project on schedule.


Cottonwood specializes in NEPA compliance for the oil and gas, construction, and transportation industries, and for restoration-related activities. We can help you with:

  • Determination of NEPA Approach

  • Sound Biological / Environmental Surveys

  • Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys

  • Identification and Drafting of Alternatives

  • Preparation of Environmental Documents:

    • Biological Assessments / Biological Evaluations

    • Environmental Assessments

    • Categorical Exclusions

    • Management Indicator Species Reports

  • Endangered Species Act Compliance

  • Migratory Bird Treaty Act Compliance

  • Consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service

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